Self Managed Superfund Property
Property investment and self-managed super funds (SMSF)
If you are thinking of using your superannuation fund to buy a residential investment property and you may be unsure of where to start. Talk to Australian Property Masters team and we’ll guide you in the right direction with the support of a qualified financial planner / accountant.
Since 2007, Australians have been allowed to borrow money using their superannuation to purchase residential property via self-managed super funds (SMSFs).
We can assist you to purchase the following property types:
House & Land packages (with a single contract) which comply with SMSF regulations and guidelines.
How do I purchase a residential investment property via my SMSF?
Any Australian who has accumulated a certain amount of superannuation benefits and meets specified criteria can fund a residential property purchase using money borrowed from a superfund.
Australian Property Masters, can help you determine whether you meet the specified conditions and can assist you with every stage of your SMSF property purchase.
First, your SMSF borrows funds to purchase the property and a separate trust – usually known as a Bare or Security Trust – is established to hold legal ownership of the property on your SMSF’s behalf. Then, your self-managed superannuation fund withdraws the loan, using the cash to meet legal costs and pay the deposit and stamp duty.
Australian Property Masters SMSF’s structured approach
At Australian Property Masters, we are committed to helping you create a successful long-term self-managed super property investment portfolio. Our team carefully researches the best locations around Australia to secure the future capital growth of your investment.
We consistently monitor the markets and use a strict set of criteria to evaluate all potential developments – making sure your self-managed super property investment yields the highest return possible.
Australian Property Masters can assist you with every stage of your SMSF property investment – get in touch with us today to discuss your options.
Benefits of a SMSF
There are several distinct benefits associated with buying property through your SMSF. They include the following:
The first benefit associated with this type of transaction is perhaps the most significant, it is the fact with that ‘in-super’ transactions are subject to a much more favourable tax regime, your after tax returns are therefore likely to be much better.
from 1st July 2024:
1. Rental income from property in a SMSF will be taxed at 15%, compared with rates up to 45% that a regular investor could be paying.
2. Once you start to use your SMSF to provide your pension, rental income from the property will be tax free.
3. The cost incurred in purchase and managing the property (interest, depreciation, rates, insurance etc) could very well produce a negative income that you can offset against other income to reduce your tax even further. It is always a good idea not to have all your eggs in one basket. Buying property is an excellent way to reduce the volatility and overall risk on your retirement portfolio.
Gearing (where you use borrowed funds to gain control over an appreciating asset) is one of the most effective long term wealth builders available. The fact the your SMSF can now borrow to buy property enables you to make use of this time honoured strategy to increase your wealth without affecting your cash flow.
The fact that properties are held inside your SMSF means that you protect yourself from the impact of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) until retirement, at which time your gains will be tax free (if current legislation is still in force).
Assets in SMSF held for more than 12 months will pay 10% CGT. Whereas in pension ‘mode’ they will be tax free
Assets held in a SMSF will, under normal circumstances, be protected against general debt recovery (this does not apply in the case of the loan with which the asset was purchased) and bankruptcy proceedings.
The fact that you can transfer commercial property that you already own into your SMSF allows you to unlock cash to invest in your business or in other assets. You can even use the funds to re-contribute to your SMSF (subject to individual limits of course).